Page 5 - April 2023 Edition
P. 5


                                                                      Shoes are said to be a woman’s best friends.
                                                           There is no doubt that one can never have enough
                                                           shoes, no ma er how o en you purchase them. Be it
                                                           boots, sandals, heels, flats all are necessary for a
                                                           woman’s closet. But when it comes to a wedding
                                                           day it becomes the most important day of your life.

                                                           The brides invest a lot of  me and money searching
                                                           for  the  right  dress  and  footwear  which  one  can
                                                           easily find in Feather Designs – a bridal footwear
                                                           brand. Feather started nearly a decade ago by its
                                                           founder and designer Bijal Amin Patel and has been
                                                           thriving  since  then.  It  has  na onal  as  well  as
         BIJAL PATEL
                                                           interna onal customers and thus has the spectrum
                                                           to  sa sfy  all  the  lovely  brides  and  grooms
                                                           throughout the world.

      The main idea behind Feather was to give the brides and grooms an opportunity to get
      customized  couple  footwear.  Feather  footwear  ranges  from  flats  to  heels  which  are

      handcra ed and intricately carved and thus specially designed for the bride and groom
      according  to  their  ou its.  Her  specializa on  is  in  khatwork  chappals,  machine  work
      chappals , diamond brooches chappals, casual wear chappals and many more as per the

      client requirements. Feather has showcased its amazing work in hundreds of exhibi ons
      with its marvellous collec on all over Gujarat in ci es such as Rajkot, Baroda, Surat and
      Ahmedabad. Bijal was awarded as the best footwear designer consistently for the past 2

      years for the lovely in a ve and all the hardwork she has put in Feather Designs to make it
      what it is today. She had faced a lot of uncertaini es throughout her career in the footwear
      industry but every me came up with remarkable return and a with a constant vision of
      excellence. She truly is an inspira on for every other woman around her who wants to

      pursue their passion, dreams and have an iden ty of their own.

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