Page 17 - September 2022 Edition
P. 17

put in to get where I am today. Managing a home is not a   the first meeting, Atul signed me up. My parents were
                   chore—it is something I enjoy doing. For instance, when   thrilled because we never knew how to read contracts,
                   I have people over, I don’t just get a party planner. I set   or how to negotiate, so we welcomed all the help. And
                   the menu myself, serve home-cooked food because that’s   then, of course, some of it is also my own learning. I
                   how I have seen it with my mother; we are still very   hit the ground running and learnt on the go, right from
                   traditional.”                                      what one must do in front of the camera to everything
                                                                      that goes on behind the scenes—negotiations, money,
                   EARLY MENTORS                                      contracts. We have also been taken for a ride and
                   “Besides my parents, I’d say Anila Anand (producer),   have made mistakes. Shah Rukh and Farah, from the
                   professionally. She is really the person responsible for   time they decided that I was their gril, and they were
                   introducing me to the modelling world and ensuring     going to launch me, have always looked after me. That
                   I did the right campaigns. Photographer Atul Kasbekar is   emotion will never change. It has been 13 years since Om
                   another person who really took me under his wings and   Shanti Om, and Shah Rukh still corrects me and is very
                   held my hand through the entire process. When I started   protective. Farah is like my second mother. They both
                   off, my parents were doing everything, and the concept   groomed me on how to conduct myself in front of the
                   of an agency was absolutely alien to us in India. After   media, and presented me well, not just during the film,
                                                                      but also during marketing and promotion. The audiences
                                                                      take to certain pairings. For me, whether it is with Shah
                     AS AN ACTOR, HE (RANVEER)                        Rukh, Ranveer, or Ranbir, these pairings have become
                                                                      iconic. Chemistry is not something you can create,
                    IS PROBABLE THE BEST WE’VE
                                                                      though certain films and characters are written a certain
                     HAD IN A REALLY LONG TIME;                       way, but at the end the two energies come together.
                  HIS VERSATILITY IS UNMATCHED                        It’s not on paper, sometimes magic just happens. And,
                                                                      fortunately, I have had it with a couple of them.”

                                                                         ON MARRIAGE AND  RANVEER
                                                                      Deepika started Phase 2 of her life with Ranveer as her
                                                                      partner; they are amazing together and there is that
                                                                      certain aura of friendship and togetherness around
                                                                      them. He has that undeniable infectious energy. So, what
                                                                      attracted her to Ranveer? “Everybody talks about his
                                                                      energy but what most people don’t realise is that this is
                                                                      not who he is all the time. What attracted me to him was
                                                                      the fact is that we have been together for eight years and
                                                                      are still discovering each other. I think that is the beauty
                                                                      of our relationship. We started off not as lovers but close
                                                                      friends, who connected at some level, even though we
                                                                      are very different people. So, even today, I don’t think
                                                                      he knows everything about me, and I can’t say I know
                                                                      everything about him.”
                                                                        What does she think of him as an actor? “As an actor,
                                                                      he is probable the best we’ve had in a really long time; his
                                                                      versatility is unmatched. I don’t think there’s any actor in
                                                                      the current generation who has his versatility. Very often
                                                                      you still see the actor in the character, but, when you see
                                                                      Ranveer play a role, there is an absolute transformation
                                                                      and I haven’t seen that in a long time. Professionally,
                                                                      whatever he’s achieved is there for everybody to see...
                                                                      But, at a personal level, he is all heart, and his sense of
                                                                      humour, his achievements, his versatility, his warmth are
                                                                      obvious. But, beneath all of that though, he is extremely

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