Page 15 - April 2024 Edition
P. 15

      Dr.Hansa Goswami

                    Dr.Hansa  Goswami  has  dedicated  her  en re
    professional life to the B J.Medical College, an esteemed
    ins tu on,  making  a  profound  impact  on  both  her
    students and the medical community. Over the span of
    four decades,she has risen from an MBBS student to the
    Dean of the Medical College, marking her journey with
    significant  milestones  and  a  passion  for  excellence  in
    medical educa on and prac ce.She began her medical
    educa on as a dedicated and ambi ous student at the
    ins tu on, earning her MBBS degree with honors. Her
    excep onal  academic  performance  and  eagerness  to
    serve others set the stage for a long and successful career
    at the medical college.A er comple ng her studies, she
    chose to stay at the ins tu on, contribu ng to its growth
    as  a  highly  regarded  member  of  the  faculty.  Her
    commitment  to  teaching  and  mentoring  new
    genera ons of medical students has le  a las ng impact
    on  countless  aspiring  doctors.Throughout  her  tenure,
    she has held various leadership roles, from heading key
    departments to shaping the curriculum to meet modern
    medical  standards.  Her  innova ve  approaches  to
    teaching and her dedica on to research have earned her
    respect  and  admira on  from  both  colleagues  and
    students.She  has  been  instrumental  in  establishing
    strong connec ons between the medical college and the
    broader community, crea ng opportuni es for students
    to  gain  prac cal  experience  and  engage  in  outreach
    programs.  Her  leadership  has  fostered  a  culture  of
    collabora on and con nuous improvement within the
    ins tu on.As the Dean of the Medical College, she has
    championed ini a ves that priori ze the well-being of
    students and faculty, promote diversity and inclusion,
    and advance medical research. Her vision and guidance
    have  posi oned  the  college  as  a  leader  in  medical
    educa on  and  prac ce.Beyond  her  professional
    achievements,  she  is  known  for  her  compassionate
    approach to pa ent care and her unwavering dedica on
    to her pa ents' well-being. Her exemplary career serves
    as an inspira on to all who have the privilege of working
    with her.In recogni on of her four decades of service, her
    contribu ons to the ins tu on and the medical field are
    celebrated with great respect and gra tude. Her legacy
    will con nue to influence future genera ons of medical
    professionals for years to come.

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