Page 23 - April 2024 Edition
P. 23


     Nisha Kumari

                Passion can take you to places and make
    one a empt very difficult life threa ng adventure
    expedi ons. Nisha Kumari is one such dynamic girl
    that  resides  in  Vadodara  city.  She  hails  from
    humble background. Her father worked with the
    Indian  Airforce  at  Vadodara  city,  mother  a
                                 Nisha Kumari did her schooling in
    Chandigarh  and  has  completed  her  MSc  in
    Industrial  Arithme c  from  the  M  S  University,
    Vadodara. One of her brothers is also in the Air
    Force while her other brother is doing a private
    Nisha  is  a  super  girl  athlete,  very  versa le  in
    various disciplines and her dream is to keep our
    country, India, flag flying high through her various
    adventure ac vi es. She is a keen mountaineer,
    loves  running  endlessly  and  cycle  to  difficult
    terrain.  She  aims  to  scaled  seven  summits,
    Aconcagua,  Denali,  Kilimanjaro,  Vinson,  Elbrus,
    Mount Willham. Last year she scaled Mt. Everest
    the  tallest  mountain  in  the  world  in  her  first
    a empt at 29,032 feet.
    Nisha Kumari wants to form a training ins tute
    and work towards training girls in self-defence.
    She proposes to make a team of girls in Vadodara
    city trained in self-defence skills who in turn shall
    train girls in rural sector especially poor and to
    teach them various skills. Her aim is to make the
    girl child confidence and strong enough to stand
    up for herself where needed.
    During  her  M.  Sc  she  did  various  adventure
    ac vi es in Paramesh event in September 2015.
    These ac vi es chalked out the turning point in
    her life.  She joined Rebirth Adventure and Sports
    company  based  in  Pallanpur,  Gujarat  as  a
    volunteer  in  many  camps.  She  volunteered  in
    many  camps  held  in  various  places  Mt  Abu,
    Jaisalmer,  Manali,  Gir,  Nainital,  Kumbhalgarh....
    The list is endless.

       She has completed mountaineering courses, one from Kashmir and the other one from U arkashi.
     There was no looking back.   She successfully climbed Friendship peak in 2019 an al tude of 5287
     meters. A er that she completed the Manali Leh expedi on by cycle.
     Talking about her versa lity she has done 12 hours of con nuously running not once, not twice but
     three  mes. Once in Vadodara and twice in Nainital covering a distance of 75.54 kms
     The next feather in her cap was Ride for the na on, Ride for vaccina on. This ride involved a cyclathon
     as a leader from Manali- Leh, Khardungla-Leh across Rohtang pass, covering 590 kms in 10 days. It was
     an expedi on for vaccine awareness during COVID 19. Along the way her team unfurled a 50   long
     Indian flag. It was remarkable of Nisha Kumari to have crossed all six al tude passes without any injury.
     T    rained under an Everester, her training includes slow running, fast running, func onal training,
     yoga, Tabata, Sudarshan Kriya, Medita on, ABC workout, long distance cycling, sprints, trekking, hiking
     etc. Me culous training was executed without a break come hail rain or storm.

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