Page 21 - August 2022 Edition
P. 21
As the present lockdown has forced kids to settle for a virtual learning experience, balancing their
screen time with an engaging non-screen activity requires an effort. But encouraging them to do
something constructive is worth your extra effort.
keep them engaged and feel precision targeting and allows
an important part of family the usage at home or out in
routines. Completing that the open air.
task will give them a sense
of achievement. Tasks like Have dance parties:
helping grandparents or They need to move their little
watering the plants are very bodies and have exercise even
useful activities that can if they are kept away from the
help them to gain practical playground. Choose a playlist
knowledge and motivate together, blast the music, and
them too. let them move and shake any
which way they want.
Offer your little one
a creative toy: Talk it out:
There are toys that are Talking to kids instead of just
not only fun but help in watching a screen is very
development of senses and crucial. It paves the path of
skills. Legos, puzzles, and bonding in the family and
he world has come Instead of watching Play-Dough are a wonderful also helps to know the kid's
to a standstill and make their own option. Not only will your child thoughts on current things.
so have our lives. cartoon: be able to play with them for Parents can use this time to
TWith online classes Encouraging the child to hours, but it also supports share their wisdom with their
replacing the physical school draw their favorite cartoon in development of motor kids in a fun way by sharing
atmosphere, parents are character can be a very skills, hand-eye coordination, their childhood story.
confused about how much joyful experience and at
screen time is correct for the same time support
their kids. However, a healthy their creative side. Once
relationship with these completed, parents can
devices while still engaging further engage with the child
in other activities is the in fun conversation about the
best way to keep the kids story and motivation behind
balanced. Rajesh Vohra, CEO, the drawing of the particular
Artsana India in assistance character.
with Chicco Osservatorio
Centre suggests some Allocating simple
creative ways which will keep tasks:
kids happy, less irritable and Allocating simple, everyday
even sharpen their mind. tasks to your little one will