Page 16 - August 2022 Edition
P. 16

entire surface of the t-shirt. The thread
             tie-up should resemble a spinning wheel,
             creating multiple triangles within the circle.
             Make sure there is a one-inch gap between
             each triangle, and its evenly spaced out. Apply
             the different colours on alternate triangles then

             keep it to dry. Untie the threads after eight hours,
             wash the T-shirt with a little detergent and let it
             dry in the sun.
             Striped pattern

             Fold the T-shirt, starting from the bottom, pleating it like a
             fan. Once you reach all the way up, it should look like a
             vertical log/stick. Tie two rubber bands it across the stick
             horizontally to hold the pleats together. Then fill each
             thin pleat section with a different colour, let it dry for
             eight hours and follow the washing process
             mentioned above.
             Polka dot pattern

             Take a few of coins or beans of the size you prefer,         keep folding it in pleat like form, the shirt
             and place them on the T-shirt with adequate                  should resemble a vertical log. Tie a thread or
             distance in between them. Cut old plastic wraps in           rubber band diagonally, creating a chevron
             circular pieces, bigger than the coins/beans used,       pattern, leaving a gap of four to five inches of gap
             and place one plastic cover over each coin. Then tie      in between. Fit the gap with different shades or opt
             the plastic covered area tightly with a thread or a       for a solid colour. After eight hours of drying,
             rubber band, fixed on the edges of the coin. Spray         untie the outfit, wash it, dry it, and flaunt your
                    the rest of the fabric surface with one or        creativity.
                         more colours of your choice, let
                             the colours dry for eight               Shibori pattern
                               hours, and follow the                 Twist and turn your T-shirt from the top all the way
                                 washing process.                    to the end, place it down on the surface, and swirl it
                                   Chevron                           in a circular motion, creating a giant flat disc-like
                                                                    structure. Then tie it with a thread or rubber bands,
                                    pattern                        leaving one-inch triangular space between each wedge.
                                     Lay your T-shirt/shirt         Fill those triangular spaces with one or more colours
                                     flat, fold it halfway           and then leave it to dry for a day. Untie the threads,
                                     length wise, then             wash it and hang it to dry in the sun.

                                                                                           16 • PAGE3 LIFESTYLE • AUG 2022
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