Page 3 - August 2022 Edition
P. 3
This world and people are mostly occupied by the internet and mobile phones.
One such cybercrime is the "Cyber Stalking" or Online Stalking where attackers
use the internet to stalk or harass an individual or a group.
T stalking where the stalker hacks
he word "stalking"
means "pursue or
the computer of the victim to
approach stealthily".
access information. Mobile
It is a very serious
phone hacking is mostly done
issue that most of
the younger generations are to gain access to the device and
gather information about the
facing. The technology provides victim and start threatening with
various ways to perform stalking the information collected.
and allow stalkers to harass
their target from any part of How to stop
the world. Earlier, there was someone from
Offline Stalking where there stalking you?
was a direct physical threat to Understanding how cyber
the victim by the stalker. But stalking is important. This
now Cyber Stalking or Online way when something like that
Stalking is where something happens to you, you will know
happens online without your how and what to react. Do not
knowledge. Cyber Stalking may post sensitive and private content
include monitoring someone's in social media. Make sure you
activity online, checking their keep your geolocation settings
Sankarraj Subramanian
physical location, stealing your off on your mobile phone. Limit
identity, attacking your devices, your audience in social media,
and more. accept only known contacts
to your friend lists, and update
Who are these your privacy setting limited
stalkers? to only that audience. There
Stalkers can be strangers; are options to block people
they can be rapists who can too if you feel you cannot have
blackmail you with all your safer communication with
personal information and them. Check if the website is
shows threats of violence, Stalkers who stalk corporates, stalker creates profiles in genuine before giving in all your
undermining their dignity their motive are money. social media pretending to be information. Remember you are
and identity. They can also someone else and grabs an never safe on the internet.
be your former partners who From where do identity. With such profiles,
try to threaten you with all they collect the the stalker may approach the What to do if you
private pictures and sensitive information? victim and try to get close to the are a victim of
information about you for When the stalker decides to victim. cyber stalking?
money or to isolate you mentally collect information about the The Indian Government
and insult you. victim, the first place he visits is What do they has passed the Information
the social media profiles. do with the Technology Act, 2000 which
What is their Stalker checks for the online information deals with cyber stalking dealt
motive? activities of the victim, monitors collected? under "intrusion on to the
To harass the victim, and in this the activity and collects as much The stalker uses email-stalking privacy of an individual".
case, it's sexually. It could also be information as he can. One of which involves sending emails There are many sections under
a one sided lover who turns into the most common in the form of harassment, hate, which cyber stalking can be
a stalker when the proposal is online stalking methods is or threatening emails. Another complained. Hence never
rejected by the victim. called "Catfishing" where the method is called computer hesitate to report cyber crimes.