Page 8 - August 2022 Edition
P. 8

ith consumerism and
                    overconsumption killing
            Wthe planet and emptying
            our wallets, it’s about time we
            acknowledge that certain thrifty
            habits implemented by our folks in
            their day-to-day living, are just what
            we need to adopt now, to maximise
            our savings during the economic
            slowdown. So, next time think twice
            before discarding that garment which
            no longer serves your purpose since
            you could recycle it, or hold on to
            those glass bottles and containers
            which can be put to myriad uses in
            your household.
               According to Satishwar
            Balakrishnan, Chief Financial Officer,
            Aegon Life Insurance Company,
            “When young people start earning,
            most of them spend their salaries on
            eating out, new clothes, and expensive
            gadgets. But I remember how my
            parents taught me to save for both,
            short-term and long-term goals.        LESSONS IN
            I had made it a priority very early in
            life to get myself a term insurance  plan.
             Also, a portion of my monthly
            earnings is moved into funds for
            earmarked objectives (kids’ education/
            retirement/ holiday plan). This kind of
            basic financial discipline assures one's
                                             Remember how our parents were careful with money
            stability in the long run. Also, think
            before you spend. Give it a minute and   and prudent with expenditures? Well, those thrifty
            ask yourself if you really need it. That’s   habits are the need of the hour
            the rule I have always followed.”
               We bring you a few crucial tips   my grandmother, mother, and aunts   were forgotten by most of us and are
            that we need to learn from our    using their old cotton saris to make   coming back into practice,” she says.
            parents to increase savings, the    kanthas, which are layers of soft
            old-fashioned way.             cloths stitched together to use as
                                           light blankets. At that time, I would
                                           wonder why they undertook the              Do you remember
                         One of the most   cumbersome task rather than buying         your father rotating
                         enduring memories   them from the market. But now I          his few good suits
                         that many of us have   realise the importance of repurposing   throughout his life?
                         of our parents is how   rather than just discarding an object.”   After all, in those
                         they would reuse and   According to Dipika Jaikishan,   days, suits were expensive and parents
            recycle every little thing. Delhi-based   Chief Investment Officer and   could differentiate between a need
            restaurateur Sharmishtha Mukherjee   co-founder at Basis, a personal   that had to be fulfilled right away
            Cheema, 44, founder, Tenali—The   advisory for women, one should   and a luxurious want that could
            Andhra Kitchen, remembers how   reuse products and buy goods made   be postponed.
            the elderly women of her household   with durable material (steel, cloth,   Says Vineet Patawari, co-founder
            would make blankets and quilts from   jute) so you don’t waste money on   of stock analytic app StockEdge and
            old saris. “I have grown up seeing   repeat purchases. “These lessons   financial market learning portal

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