Page 17 - June 2022 Edition
P. 17



           DON’T APPLY

                    t wasn’t till a few years ago

                    that societies around the world
                    subscribed to the bipartite
                    view of how men and women
                    should live their lives; men
                    were expected to be the sole
                    breadwinners while women
           I were expected to stay home and
            look after the children and manage the
            household. Naturally, the term housewife
            or homemaker is all too familiar, given
            the gender dynamics deemed acceptable
            by society. However, more and more men
            are challenging those norms and taking
            up those more nurturing roles today.
            According to a survey by Ipsos MORI,
            a market research firm, about 39 per
            cent Indians view a father choosing to
            stay home full time to look after the                            masculinity. The archaic belief that
            household as being ‘less of a man’, second   “HUMOUR             men represent the stronger gender or
            only to South Korea with 76 per cent.     HELPS IN BEING         the primary breadwinner is slowly but
            The research also stated this is due to    TACTFUL AND           steadily making way for a more open
            traditionally-accepted norms and beliefs   DEALING WITH          and inclusive approach when it comes
            that deem looking after the household as   JUDGEMENTAL           to pushing the envelope of socially-
            a woman’s role. R ead on to know how times                       acceptable roles and responsibilities.
            are changing for the good.                  SITUATIONS           Bhagat is one shining example of men
                                                         WITH EASE.”         defying gender norms in today’s day
            HAVE AN OPEN                                                     and age.
                                                                               According to Bengaluru-based
            OUTLOOK                                                          counsellor Mahesh Natarajan, “When

            India is not new to the concept of this role                     it comes to being tactful about wanting
            reversal; established personalities have                    to stay home, facing judgemental situations,
            proudly taken up the mantle of homemaker,                   and dealing with them with ease, humour
            without shying away from it. Take for                       helps. Having open conversations about your
            example author, columnist, Bollywood                        desire and intentions is a huge factor, too. If
            screenwriter, social media influencer, and                   that’s not all, it is encouraging to hear more
            motivational speaker, Chetan Bhagat. He                     about the new role reversals and this twist—
            quit his high-profile investment banking job                 behind every successful woman, is her man.
            to follow his ambition to become a writer                   This helps put things into perspective, and
            while his wife has a 9 to 5 job. Bhagat is just             give some men that added nudge,” Similarly,
            one of many men who are subconsciously                      Mumbai-based Anuj Belgaumkar, a stay-at-
            redefining traditional manhood and                           home father for the past six years, believes

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