Page 18 - June 2022 Edition
P. 18
this is what he does best and has no qualms
about it. “I was at a point in my career where
the only option for a good way out was to CHANGE THE ARGUMENT
resign, and so I did. While I continued to look Conversations and views around stay-at- territory, Belgaumkar
for other opportunities, I was at home more home dads is gradually changing. People also faced his fair share
often. I would look after the house and my have now become more accepting of this of challenges—
child who was three at the time. That’s when concept, and have tremendous respect judgemental glances and
for those men who choose to be the hushed comments about
I realised I enjoyed staying home and taking
primary caregiver. This newfound whether he’d be able to
care of the household than my actual job, and
openness and gradual acceptance of singlehandedly parent his child and
didn’t hesitate to express my opinion to the this lifestyle is encouraging other men manage his household duties —but
family,” who are struggling with their decision to over time, nurturing has become
stay home, or continue juggling work second nature for him. “With increasing
and household duties. Incidentally, when awareness about equality, gendered
POWER IN NUMBERS one takes the plunge, it creates a ripple roles will start to weaken. However, one
While there may be multiple reasons to effect that has a positive impact on must expect the occasional backlash
attribute to the rise of stay-at-home dads, those caught in the middle. “When I first that can be the result of various
caught up with a friend who was a factors. The long-term trend is clearly
the recession of 2008 was one of the
homemaker at the time, I realised that I towards a more ungendered society
biggest contributors for men choosing an
wouldn’t be alone in my decision to where people will try and live up to
alternate lifestyle, says a study on social navigated uncharted territory. This gave their potential, irrespective of any
and demographic trends conducted by me the confidence,” says Belgaumkar. social pressures on account of
the Pew Research Center. The study also However, as with any unexplored genders,” says Natarajan.
showed that the numbers increased from
1.1 million in 1989 to 2 million in 2012.
This rise shows the significant shift of laws, and a more inclusive approach
parenting patterns, not only in India but “WITH to predominantly unconventional
across the globe. In the era of technology INCREASING philosophies, and norms. Celebrities
where everything is accessible at the click and influencers tend to have a greater
of a button, there is a constant exchange AWARENESS involvement in shaping young,
of opinions, cultures, traditions, changing susceptible minds. Internationally,
A-listers like David Beckham, Ben
EQUALITY, Affleck, and even John Lennon have
GENDERED openly admitted to being stay-at-home
fathers, and have looked after their
ROLES WILL children whenever they’re not filming
START TO or recording. Closer home, millennials
and Gen Z are more accepting of these
WEAKEN.” responsibilities. Take for instance,
internet sensation and content
creator, Jose Covaco. Everyone has laughed
at his hilarious, and absolutely relatable
content. However, he works from home and
is a proud caregiver to his daughter, Chloe.
Jose Covaco, Durjoy Dutta and K Onler
Kom, Mary Kom’s husband, are just few of
many men taking on this new role.
There no longer is a prejudice in
assuming responsibilities of a homemaker.
After all, a more ungendered approach to
parenting is being undertaken. There is no
longer an expectation for a man to uphold
conventional masculinity. The world as
we know it is surely changing. The real
Men today are not shying
away from taking up the questions is, are you going to let someone’s
role of a homemaker
opinion stop you from taking that plunge?