Page 19 - October 2022 Edition
P. 19

student, 24,  agrees on the
                                                                                           importance of friends and
                                                                                           shares, “My girlfriends
                                                                                           have always been there
                                                                                           for me and picked me up
                                                                                           when I felt low and bad.
                                                                                           Talking about my guy issues
                                                                                           and feelings with them
                                                                                           has always helped me feel
                                                                                           better and happier. They
                                                                                           always motivate me to be
                                                                                           optimistic, and to not take
                                                                                           this rejection personally.”

                                                                                           MAKE PEACE WITH
                                                                                           THE SINGLE LIFE
                                                                                           “Acceptance is the essence
                                                                                           of  living life effectively,”
                                                                                           says Sadhoo. While you
                                                                                           are allowing yourself and
                 “Give yourself suf icient time to explore        paint and do whatever you   your heart to heal, it’s
                                                                  please. Don't listen to love   better to make the most of
              other territories of your life. There are so        songs and stay away from   your time and understand
               many things in life that have nothing              romantic movies,” she adds.   yourself better. Sanchita
                           to do with love.”                      Distract yourself, but in   shares, “It took me a while
                                                                  a productive way, so that   to move on, but as soon as
                                                                  you’re busy and working on   I realized and accepted the
                you’re in touch with the   over him and my feelings,”   becoming a better version   reality, things got easier
                person you love, the     tells 20-year-old student   of yourself.          and I started to focus on
                higher are the chances   Sanchita Sharma.                                  myself. I started going out
                of you getting attached                           CATCH UP WITH            for dinner, movies, and
                and dependent on him.    INVEST IN YOURSELF       YOUR FRIENDS             trips alone and spent more
                Relationship counselor   Sometimes the best way   While you are trying to   time doing all the things I
                Dr Nisha Khanna says, “It   to get someone out of   forget the guy you have   like. Prioritizing myself and
                is always better to cut off   your head is to focus on   feelings for, there's no   my wellbeing was the best
                ties and all connections   something new and make   better time to catch up with   decision of my life.”
                with the person you have   it the goal of your life. Start   your friends and family   You must treat it as an
                feelings for. One must   focusing on something    and to bond with them.   opportunity to spend some
                also erase the thoughts of   you’re passionate about,   Dr Khanna says, “The   time with yourself and
                that person and refrain   pursue your hobbies     embrace of a loved one can   to introspect. Dr Khanna
                from talking about them.”   seriously or maybe join   overpower all hurt. It can   suggests, “You should stop
                The lesser you talk of or   a new course and learn   fill you with optimism and   channelizing your time
                see him, the more are the   something new!        fuel your hope for a better   and energy into things and
                chances of you forgetting   “Give yourself sufficient   partner and life. Meeting   people who don’t matter.
                him, and letting go of him   time to explore other   and catching up with   Accept what’s in front
                and his memories. “I loved   territories of your life,”   friends is therapeutic, so   of you. Every moment
                my best friend but he was   suggests Sadhoo. “There   you should always stay in   spent thinking of him
                dating someone else at that   are so many good things   touch with them.”   is a moment wasted. A
                time. I decided to hide my   in life that have nothing   Expressing your hurt and   rejection must not rule
                feelings and blocked him   to do with love, boys or   pain to those who care   your life, and always
                from Whatsapp, Facebook,   a relationship. Now that   helps you in unburdening   remember that you are
                and Instagram. Not seeing   you have all the time to   your heart and getting   perfect, nothing is lacking
                him and not staying in   yourself, you can sing,   much-needed support     or missing in you, and you
                touch helped me in getting   dance, watch movies,   and comfort. Aakriti,   are a strong person!”

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