Page 14 - April 2023 Edition
P. 14


                          HEALTH &  WELINESS  AWARD

     DR. NEHAL

      Researcher,  innovator,  healer,
      humanist, Dr Nehal ranks among
      the most influen al leaders in the
      field  of  integrated  health  and
      stress  management.Dr  Nehal

      gajera  is  the  founder  of  ‘Say
      goodbye  to  diabetes  ’.  Taking  a
      keen  interest  in  crea ng  vibrant
      health for masses since her early
      medical  career,  Dr  Nehal  has
      singularly  focused  on  crea ng  a

      diabetes-free  society  and
      medicine  free  life  for  the  last  7
      years.A er  finishing  her  BHMS
      from  R.K.Homoeopathic  medical
      college  and  research  ins tute
      Aanad,  Dr  Nehal  obtained  a
      Professional  Cer ficate  in  food
      and  nutri on  clinical  nutri on
      from ingou. A firm believer of the

      holis c approach, the principles of
      natural cure inspired Dr.Nehal to            Food Nutri on n health, Diploma in sports
      complete  cer fied  courses  in               n  exercise  nutri on,  Diploma  in  child
      Advanced Yoga & Ayurveda from                nutri on,  Cer fica on  in  homoeopathic
      Indian  ins tute  of  alterna ve
      therapies and Her passion to learn           dermatology, cer fica on in ayush clinical

      more  about  how  health  can  be            research(moringa),Hospital management,
      improved  made  her  undergo                 Post-gradua on diploma in prenatal care
      many other courses like The Art of           and  educa on,  Garbhsanskar  teachers
      Living,  Brahma–Vidya,  Dream
      Therapy,  Healing,  Re-evalua on             trainer, Cer ficate in Journey of first one
      Co-counselling,  Reiki,  Siddha              thousand  days  of  life  and  many  more
      Samadhi  Yoga  and  Vipassana                ............
      Medita on.

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