Page 17 - April 2023 Edition
P. 17
MAKERBorn in a patriarchal family societal 'glass
ceilings' were way too tough to break for a li le girl
called Pinky. The norms of her community made
each girl to go uneducated, dependant and lead a
life as good as of a 'dumb driven ca le'. Striving to
make one's own iden ty was a 'far cry,' almost
considered to be a crime. Her parents Shri
Jawerilalji & Smt Kamla devi Gulechha had the guts
to say 'no' to these ro en norms and encouraged
young Pinky to accomplish her Masters in two
different subjects.
A er comple on of her educa on she ed her nupital chords with Mr Pukhraj Balar. Fortunately Mrs Pinky
Baar's life partner was an advocate of 'Woman Empowerment' . He now stood as a pillar for Mrs Pinky Balar
to go for greater achievements in life. Once she was through her motherly du es of two beau ful kids, Mr
Pukhraj fanned her passion to be a 'change maker' for the society. Backed by the man of her life Mrs Balar
never looked back. Mrs Pinky Balar commenced her professional journey during Pandemic through ONLINE
SEMINARS with renowned Educa onists. As an Youtuber her popularity grew in leaps and bounds and in a
jiffy she reached to 25 k views and inspired thousands of students. Her interviews with ' Differently Abled
Achievers' were a huge success. Mrs. Balar got trained as a Value Educator during Pandemic from a
renowned ins tu on & conducted numerous workshops to empower thousands of youth.Journey of a Value
Educator, Interviewer & Mo va onal Speaker: Compassionate at heart Mrs Balar began her journey to work
for the HOMELESS people in Ahmedabad. Educa ng, empowering and emancipa ng the des tutes with zeal
under the aegis of ' PRAYAAS INITIATIVE, KARMA FOUNDATION ' where at present she is the President.Value
Educator: Seeing to the hitch, hesita on of adolescents to share their problems and be sorted out and emerge
as stronger & 'go ge er' kind of youth Mrs Pinky Balar founded PEHCHAN.
The goal of the ins tute is to enrich the perplexed youth to widen their knowledge,
give posi ve a tude and expand their horizon. Her Value Educa on Seminars have
proved to be the 'guiding light' for hundreds of students so far. Interviewer: 'Visibility
of differently abled people and their achievements through social media is a way of
Empowerment ' believes Mrs Pinky Balar. She is absolutely right since her interviews
are making these differently abled people's achievements visible to the main
stream.Mo va onal Speaker: With her excellent communica on skills and super
energe c presenta ons, conduc ng many seminars Mrs Balar has created
awareness towards Mental Health successfully.Awards and Achievements: ' Mrs
Pinky Balar has been honoured at various pla orms for her 'selfless services and
Humanitarian contribu ons. 'Gujrat Prabuddh Mahila' tle is one such tle amongst