Page 18 - April 2023 Edition
P. 18
From Hiding to Shining!
Have you ever felt like you're not good enough? That
was me just a few years ago, but then the magic
happened when I met someone. I took the leap of
faith and decided to become a professional speaker.
It all started in 2017 when I became a Toastmaster.
Toastmasters provided me with the pla orm to
work on my communica on, public speaking,
networking, and leadership skills. I started taking on
different roles in every mee ng I a ended, and
eventually, I became a State Level Champion in the
Speech Evalua on Contest in 2020.
But the real breakthrough came when I faced a huge
audience of 800 plus as a master of ceremony at a
conference in Pune.
This was a significant achievement that gave me the confidence to pursue my dream of becoming a
professional speaker. Today, I am the founder of ACE the Stage, a startup that focuses on helping
individuals enhance their communica on, storytelling, self-belief, public speaking, and leadership
skills. I also specialize in helping children with their presenta on skills and have created a program
called Be the C.E.O. (Confident Energe c Orator) for children aged 6 to 16 years.
My journey as a professional speaker has taken me to different events globally, where I have presented
keynotes and conducted sessions at various corporates and colleges, including Reliance, SBI, AIIMS,
Huntsman Interna onal, GE Power India Ltd, Parul University, The Maharaja Sayajirao University, JK
Lakshmipat University, Ins tute of Chartered Accountants, etc. I am a TEDx and a Josh Talks Speaker
and also serving as a Head Coach for a TEDx event in Massachuse s. I have even served as a judge, and
panellist for different events globally and have also been covered by media – Broadcast, print, and
But what makes my story unique is my journey. I was someone who hid in the washroom whenever any
guests came home, someone who couldn't communicate with anyone, not even with the known and
now I easily break the ice with strangers.
It happened only when I started focussing on my skills, on what I could do rather
than what was beyond my control. I got clarity about my goals and understood
that being prac cal is the magic formula for success. We cannot be good in
everything but something at which we excel can take us places. What is your
strength? How are you using it?
Friends, it's never too late to start working on yourself. I want to encourage
everyone reading this to iden fy and trust their skills. Life becomes easy when we
learn to priori ze ourselves. So, will you give yourself the priority you deserve? If
yes, get ready as now It's me to meet someone special in your life, and that
someone special is you. Go for it – ALL THE BEST!