Page 19 - April 2023 Edition
P. 19

Punit  started  solving  many  problems  related  to
                                                           job,business,  career,  children  educa on,  family
                                                           misunderstandings, short illness, and many more.
                                                           Then  she  learned  numerology  and  tarot  card
                                                           reading to analyze the life of people and predict
                                                           about the situa ons. A er having the birth date of
                                                           the person she can tell within 2 minutes lot about
                                                           the person. Isn't that great? Even with tarot card
                                                           reading she helps people and guides them to come

                                                           out of problems. She started doing medita on in
                                                           2012.  Being  from  the  highly  spiritual  family,  she
                                                           says  that  "  It  comes  from  the  inheritance  of  my
                                                           grandfather. He was a yogi. He is not with us but I
                                                           gained his blessings and could meditate well within
                                                           6 months and visualize everything"

      Cabelos a big issue of India and more of Gujarat, came as number of cases in front of her. She
      healed it by energizing the drinking water to heal the chakra internally and gave health
      protec on yantra to stabilize good health always. Even the paralysis pa ents started walking

      by her blessings. She energized the bed where they slept and the person got healing for 3 to 9
      months. S ll the cancer healing cases are in process but improvement is seen. The people who
      were highly obese lost 10 to 12 kgs in 3 months by the pyramid water and blessings Progress is
      also seen in cases of Schizophemia and Histeria.Puni  daily gets up at 3:30 am and meditates

      from 4AM to 6AM to give health, wealth, happiness, harmony and prosperity to all the
      spiritual family members. She performs bhumi pujan and vastu puja from 7 to 12 pm. From
      3pm to 8 pm she does tarot card sessions, vastu visits, chakra healing, prana and colour

      therapy sessions to heal clients. From 9 pm to 12 am she interacts with interna onal clients to
      solve their problems.A girl at the age of 24, having simple food, working for 18 hours, regular
      yoga  and  medita on  and  spreading  happiness  to  each  comer  of  the  world  is  really  an
      inspira on for all girls who spend  me in working for small benefits and last up with nothing in

      their hand.

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