Page 10 - August 2022 Edition
P. 10

A long-distance marriage can be tough to sustain, but
            having a plan will help.

                                                                             Before tying the knot, it is essential
                                                                             that both, your fiancé and you are
                       not only be difficult, but may also pose certain challenges   on the same page about how you
                       when you are not prepared for it soon after you get   are going to go about the course of
                       married. It may happen because you are not able to move   the marriage. Spending time apart
                       cities immediately after marriage and are forced to live   in different time zones is going to
                       apart.  This distance can create a rift, if adequate effort   add to your woes. In such cases,
            is not put in. To avoid that scenario, couples can resort to chalking out   gearing yourself up by discussing
            a plan on how to manage the relationship. According to a 2012 study   and understanding each other’s
            by the University of Denver, individuals in long distance relationships   expectations works well. Enginner
            or marriages generally reported higher levels of relationship quality   Kanika Goyal has been living in
            like greater dedication to their partners, having more fun and better   Mumbai while her husband is based
            conversations, and lower levels of feeling trapped than couples who   in Dubai since the last three years.
            lived together. Distance isn’t necessarily a factor to be feared, but being   She recalls, “My husband Sushant
            prepared make the sailing smoother. Effective contribution from both,   and I spoke regularly about how we
            you and your significant other, can ease the collywobbles that come   would manage or how often we could
            along with being in a long-distance marriage.                    actually meet in a year. That way,
              We bring your expert pointers in charting your plan, should you be in   there was something to look forward
            such a situation.                                                to. Now, more than anything, we are

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