Page 11 - August 2022 Edition
P. 11
used to the pattern and we know that presence of your partner in a long-
no matter what, we will see each other distance relationship. It then becomes
in a few months.” imperative to acknowledge the
Openness in communication leads presence of such emotions, express
to security, suggests Bengaluru-based them, and explore one another’s
Mahesh Natarajan, a counsellor at desires. Having a tentative plan in
InnerSight, which provides individual, place for future meetings can provide
marriage, child and adolescent, comfort and reassurance.”
and family counselling. “It is about
having a continuous sense of being
connected. It comes from keeping
in touch, deep sharing on thoughts There’s always a bright side to
and emotions. So, keep in mind a few any situation. Use the distance as
guidelines: quick 30-second check-ins an opportunity to build yourself,
twice or thrice a day and 30-45 down responsibilities, assess what rather than constantly worrying
minute calls thrice a week without needs to be struck off until you start and sulking. Take up activities that
fail,” he mentions. living together and get on it. Discuss help you grow in your field and take
your financial standing and what it upon yourself to reach a certain
your short- and long-term goals are. stage in life that you envisaged
Most often than not, living away Mimansa Singh Tanwar, consultant for yourself. This will ensure that
from each other is a temporary psychologist, Fortis Healthcare, also conversations start getting more
situation, so ensure the time spent suggests having a plan on meeting interactive and you have something
apart is worth it. Utilise this time to in place to help you look forward to new to share every time you pick
talk about the time in future something, amongst other things. up the phone. Singh Tanwar adds,
when you would start She says, “It is natural to miss “Reappraise the situation in a more
living together. List and long for physical touch and positive way for example seeing this
as an opportunity to have the space
to pursue your interests and at the
Engage in self-improving
activities that same time live your marriage like a
keep you occupied. young love can also provide strength
and patience to sustain the physical
distance while keeping the element
of love and romance intact.”
Keeping oneself in high regards for a
relationship to survive is a must. Singh
Tanwar opines, “As two individuals
in a relationship, how you perceive
yourself, relate to yourself and feel
towards yourself plays an essential
role in shaping the dynamics of the
relationship. If you have a healthy
and positive sense of self, you would
be able to trust yourself better and
translate the same in your relationship
with your partner.” Individual security
always contributes to building
stronger trust in each other. Natarajan
corroborates the idea, “It is difficult to
build security with your partner unless
you are secure within yourself. If both
partners in a long-distance marriage
are secure, mutual trust grows.”