Page 15 - August 2022 Edition
P. 15

five tie-dye
            techniques to use this at home time to upcycle
            your clothes

                     here’s a reason why tie-dye kits are under the
                     bestseller section on popular e-commerce
                     platforms during this lockdown. It is totally
            T beating all the other DIY activities/games,
            and why not, since which other task will upgrade your
            boring old sweat suit into a funky new ensemble? The
            trend that saw a resurgence last year during the Coachella
            Valley Music and Arts Festival (remember Gigi Hadid’s
            tie-dye vest at the fest?), has only grown
            in leaps and bounds. YouTubers and
            TikTokers are garnering millions of
            views from basic tie-dye videos, further
            contributing to the popularity of this art.               own take by creating it at home.
              If you’re lack of productivity is making you              If you’re out of luck and cannot get your
            shop online during this time and putting a dent in      hands on ready-to-use tie-dye kits, fret not, you
            your savings, hold that thought and get onto the tie-  can make your own natural dye at home. Besides
            dye bandwagon. Not only will you save some coins, your   colour, it requires routine items like thread,
            boring old clothes will get a 2.0 spin. Also, nothing says   coins, cereal, washing powder, and other easily
            bohemian-chic like a tie-dye outfit, you can give it your   available materials.
                                                                    Before starting the dyeing process, you need to
                                                                 treat your clothes with a colour fixative. if you’re using
                                                               berries as your natural dye, then you need to add salt,
                                                                and if you’re using a plant, then use vinegar with your
              The simplest way to create natural dye at home is by using
              different food products. These ingredients are always found   fixative. Soak the garment in four parts water and one
                    resting in your kitchen. Here’s your guide:  part fixative, and bring it to boil to prepare it for the
                        ONION SKINS:  yellow/orange             dyeing process. After that, rinse it under cold water and
                  BUTTERNUT SQUASH HUSKS:   yellow/orange       you’re good to go.
                       COFFEE GROUNDS/TEA:   brown
                          WALNUT HULLS:  brown                   TRY THESE FIVE DIFFERENT
                       STRAWBERRIES/CHERRIES: pink                TIE-DYE TECHNIQUES YOU
                              ROSES:  pink
                         RED CABBAGE: blue/purple                 CAN USE AT HOME
                            BEETROOT: deep red
                         ANY RED LEAF:  reddish brown            Bullseye pattern
                            TURMERIC: yellow
                           CELERY LEAVES:  yellow                For this pattern, pinch the centre of the T-shirt and
                                                                 twist it into a ball. Tie a thread or rubber band on the

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