Page 12 - August 2022 Edition
P. 12
What do you look for in a partner? Take this quiz and find out which
trait is most important for you.
hen looking for a partner,
compatibility is of utmost
Wimportance, amongst many
other factors. While he/she may tick all
major boxes, there still might be some that
don’t meet your expectations. What traits
do you hold dear in your choice of
a partner? Take this quiz and find out.
You’ve had a busy day,
and come home to find that
your partner has made movie
and dinner plans. What does
he do after seeing how tired
you are?
A) Asks you what happened. Cancels the
movie, offers you a neck and foot massage,
and orders in.
B) He hears you out. Gives you the space He has a job offer from
Mostly As: Empathy
you need, and doesn’t interfere with your another city but you don’t
A partner who understands you can go
‘me time’. have job prospects there
a long way in a relationship. Even if your
C) He tells you he’s keen on watching currently. What does he do? partner doesn’t have similar first-hand
the movie. A) He looks for better options in the experience of something, the ability to try
D) Forgoes the movie, but takes you out to same city. and understand, and show compassion
is what you look for in your partner.
dinner, where he regales you with stories. B) He helps you hunt for all possible
options or an alternative career in the
Mostly Bs: Respect
A nightmare wakes you up with a other city, and lets you take a call.
Respect is essential, as is respect from
startle. What does he do? C) He lists all the pros and cons your partner. To be respected for who you
A) Asks about it. Holds you to reassure of his new job offer, and gives his are, and what you believe in, is important
you, till you fall asleep again. honest opinion of the situation. to you. Someone who doesn’t look down
upon you and treats you as an equal is
B) Gets water for you. Asks you if you D) You guys decide on visiting
the perfect partner for you.
want to talk about it. each other on weekends till you
C) Shares his nightmares, and assures can figure stuff out.
Mostly Cs: Honesty
you that you aren’t alone.
According to you, the ability to
D) Makes you forget your fears by You both have had a fight in trust your partner is crucial in a
cracking jokes. which you were right. What relationship. Any form of secrecy, or
does he do? lies, even when told to protect you are
You ask his opinion on an A) He apologises, and discusses how not acceptable. Honesty is the best
policy. The perfect partner for you is
unflattering dress. What does he to solve issues in future.
someone who is upfront and candid.
say? B) He apologises without being
A) You look good in anything you wear. patronising about it. Mostly Ds: Humour
B) You must have chosen this dress for C) He apologises but explains why he Laughter is the best medicine, and you
a reason. said those things, and states reasons appreciate that in a partner. A person
who knows how to bring a smile to
C) While you look pretty, this dress is not he thought you were wrong.
your face, even during tough times is
up to the mark. D) He performs a whole dance
someone to hold on to. You look for a
D) That might win an award at the Dreary number to apologise and makes partner who makes you laugh.
Dress competition! you smile.